• Cp Roasted Hot Wings 1Kg

    $13.90 (inclusive of GST)

    Flavorful roasted hot wings with a spicy kick, perfect for a bold and tasty snack or meal.

    Weight: 1kg

  • Premier First Roasted Middle Wings 1Kg

    $14.90 (inclusive of GST)

    Succulent middle wings roasted to a juicy perfection with a savory taste that?s great for any occasion.

    Weight: 1KG

  • Premier First Roasted Hotwings 1Kg

    $12.50 (inclusive of GST)

    Savory roasted hotwings with a rich, smoky flavor, ready to serve and enjoy.

    Weight: 1kg

  • Premier First Spicy Roasted Boneless Chicken Leg 1Kg

    $13.90 (inclusive of GST)

    Tender and flavorful boneless chicken legs roasted to perfection. Ideal for family meals or gatherings, providing rich taste in every bite.

    Weight: 1KG

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