• Three Eagles Gula Halus 1Kg

    $2.00 (inclusive of GST)

    Fine granulated sugar for sweetening beverages and recipes, with a smooth texture and balanced sweetness.

    Weight: 1KG

  • Three Eagles Tepung Gandum 1Kg

    $1.90 (inclusive of GST)

    All-purpose wheat flour for versatile use in baking, cooking, and thickening. Essential for everyday kitchen needs.

    Weight: 1KG

  • Three Eagles Fine Iodized Salt 500G

    $0.60 (inclusive of GST)

    Purified fine iodized salt, perfect for seasoning and preserving with added iodine for nutritional benefits.

    Weight: 500G

  • Three Eagles Gula Kasar 1Kg

    $2.00 (inclusive of GST)

    Coarse sugar with larger crystals for a rich, natural sweetness, perfect for baking and cooking.

    Weight: 1KG


  • Three Eagles Tepung Beras 600G

    $1.50 (inclusive of GST)

    Premium rice flour for making a variety of traditional Asian dishes and desserts with a smooth texture.

    Weight: 600G

  • Three Eagles Glutinous Rice Flour 600G

    $1.90 (inclusive of GST)

    High-quality glutinous rice flour, essential for making traditional Asian desserts and dumplings with a chewy texture.

    Weight: 600G

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