• Munif Hijjaz Cordial Mango 840Ml

    $6.90 (inclusive of GST)

    A tropical burst of flavor, this mango cordial is perfect for making refreshing drinks. Made with high-quality ingredients, it offers a delightful blend of sweet and tangy mango essence. Ideal for any occasion, from family gatherings to daily enjoyment.

    Weight: 840ML

  • Munif Hijjaz Cordial Sarsi 840Ml

    $6.90 (inclusive of GST)

    A nostalgic, richly flavored sarsi cordial, perfect for creating delicious beverages with a unique, bold taste. Enjoy the classic sarsi flavor with this easy-to-mix cordial.

    Weight: 840ML

  • Munif Hijjaz Cordial Orange 840Ml

    $6.90 (inclusive of GST)

    A zesty and refreshing orange cordial with a citrusy punch. This cordial is crafted to deliver the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess, making it great for both everyday drinks and special occasions.

    Weight: 840ML

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