• Kimball Chilli Sauce 340G

    $2.00 (inclusive of GST)

    Spicy and tangy chili sauce that adds a burst of flavor to any dish, perfect for dipping or cooking.

    Weight: 340g

  • Selera Warisan Multi-Use Cooked Chilli 300G

    $4.30 (inclusive of GST)

    Versatile cooked chili paste, ideal for spicing up various dishes like noodles, soups, and fried rice.

    Weight: 300g

  • Selera Warisan Dried Red Chilli Paste 300G

    $4.30 (inclusive of GST)

    Spicy and versatile dried red chili paste, perfect for adding heat to a variety of dishes.

    Weight: 300g

  • Selera Warisan Chilli Crab Pau 30G X (8Pcs)

    $7.50 (inclusive of GST)

    Experience the vibrant flavors of Chilli Crab in a convenient pau form. This spicy, savory filling is perfect for seafood lovers.

    Size and Weight: 30g per piece, 8 pieces per pack.

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